Monday, June 30, 2008

Why I suck as a human

Um - so does anyone else feel really bad when you are at a store, and as you are checking out - and they ask you to donate some money to a cause.
Now they don't just say "Hey - would you like to donate a dollar to charity?" No. They get very specific.
Like at Starbucks today..."Would you like to buy a bag of coffee for troops overseas serving our country?" do I say "no" without sounding heartless? I don't think it's possible.
While I just say "no thanks" - I know that every other person in line and the cashier are thinking how selfish I am.
"Wow - that girl just spent 5$ on a cup of coffee for herself - and now she can't spend another $7 on those who risk their lives for her freedom?"
How do I live with myself?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The prodigal blogger

Ok - well. I would like to make a re-entrance to the blogging world. I stopped blogging in May - and would like to come home.

Let's see. First things first. This past weekend, I got to go to the Resolved Conference. I do love a good Christian conference both for the learning of scripture and for the endless amounts of cliche Christian activities that take place. I have come up with the following:

Top Ten Signs You Are At a Christian Conference

10. You are at the pool reading a book called "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" the person next to you in reading "Sin and Atonement" - person next to THEM is reading "Mortification of Sin." Finally, the person next them is reading US Weekly and you stop and pray for them.

9. Speaking of are wearing a one piece with an attached skirt and you still feel like a ho.

8. You no longer refer to guys as being cute - but rate them on a scale of "likelihood to make me stumble"

7. You use the word "relevant" a lot. For example, "I think wearing a halter top makes me more relevant."

6. You buy a book on humility - but you don't dare brag about it.

5. You tell a perfect stranger you are on your way to do a QT and they know what you are talking about.

4. If you took a collection of all the T-shirts with bible verses on them being worn - you could actually make up the new testament in T-shirt form.

3. You make bible verses into verbs. Such as "We need to Galatians 6"

2. More than one person has a picture of John Calvin on their shirt - and just about everyone knows who the picture is of.

1. You say things like "Hey, maybe next year Joel Osteen and Oprah can come..." just to see how many people will give you the look of death.