* Stammtastic
* Stamm-a-rama
* Stamminator
* Stamm it (if you are the swearing type)
* Stammwhich
Anyways, while I am still a little shocked that I am marrying Josh - I am at the same time not that surprised since I can remember thinking the very first time I saw him - wow...that's the guy I am gonna marry. The road was kind of bumpy and awkward ...but it ended beautifully with lots of God moments to tell about:) He is totally my favorite person to hang out with.
Here are some awkward moments I had with Josh before we got together. I want to give girls hope that you dont have to have it all together or be super cool in order to find love.
* The "are you giving me a hug? A high five? Oh...you're just blocking the sun" moment. Yes, yes - there was a time (long before Josh awknowledged his undying love for me) when Josh would like to give me high fives. But since I pretty much was in love with him - I would always go in for the hug. I was really bad at deciphering his body language. One time Josh put his hand up to block the sun and I hugged him. He doesn't remember this. But I do. how can you forget awkwardness like that??
* The "oh shoot...he wanted me to hold his hand and I just gave him a high five" moment. Ladies. If you are watching a romantic movie and the guy next to you likes you and you like him - and he lays his hand next to yours and kinda grabs your hand a little....this is the wrong moment for a high five. But alas, I did not get that memo. Instead I gave him a high five. And in my head was like "your such an idiot..."
* The "I live you" mispelling moment. One time Josh and I were emailing and he said "I Live you" at the end of the email. This was confusing to me. Clearly it was a mispelling...but it could have gone either way - did he meant to say He LIKED me or he LOVED me? Ah. I just told him I lived him too.
Ok. Anyways. After 3 years of friendship and four months of dating Josh proposed at Disneyland:) Wahoo. November 13, 2009 is the big day! We can't wait.