* They read my blog
* Sari - was in gestation (is that what it's called?) for 10 months and tells a great story about how she was born with a rat tail and freakishly long fingernails.
* If you make reference to any early 90s evangelical Christian trend they understand. For example: McGee and Me, The Continentals, DC Talk, Smitty, Joni Erickson Tada, etc.
* Not only do they understand - they don't get offended of any mocking of said trends.
* While other girls put quilts, China and handmade doilies in their hope chest - Becky has a bag of clearance towells and a George Foreman grill.
* They laugh at my references to early 90s Sunny Delight commercials.
* We can usually fit Joel Osteen into pretty much every conversation.
* Sari always welcomes a biblical rebuking from me - someone even captured the moment on film below:

* They don't mind an awkard conclusion to a blog about them.
* Um...I am done.