* They read my blog
* Sari - was in gestation (is that what it's called?) for 10 months and tells a great story about how she was born with a rat tail and freakishly long fingernails.
* If you make reference to any early 90s evangelical Christian trend they understand. For example: McGee and Me, The Continentals, DC Talk, Smitty, Joni Erickson Tada, etc.
* Not only do they understand - they don't get offended of any mocking of said trends.
* While other girls put quilts, China and handmade doilies in their hope chest - Becky has a bag of clearance towells and a George Foreman grill.
* They laugh at my references to early 90s Sunny Delight commercials.
* We can usually fit Joel Osteen into pretty much every conversation.
* Sari always welcomes a biblical rebuking from me - someone even captured the moment on film below:

* They don't mind an awkard conclusion to a blog about them.
* Um...I am done.
I too am down with da D.C. Talk..
Linny, you are amazing and I miss you. Did I tell you I got to meet your favorite Sari last week? It was so cool! Let's hang out someday, okay? Where exactly do you work? Maybe we can hook up for lunch sometime! Oh, and I blog, too now. Just in case you wanted to comment on mine ;D
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