Monday, June 30, 2008

Why I suck as a human

Um - so does anyone else feel really bad when you are at a store, and as you are checking out - and they ask you to donate some money to a cause.
Now they don't just say "Hey - would you like to donate a dollar to charity?" No. They get very specific.
Like at Starbucks today..."Would you like to buy a bag of coffee for troops overseas serving our country?" do I say "no" without sounding heartless? I don't think it's possible.
While I just say "no thanks" - I know that every other person in line and the cashier are thinking how selfish I am.
"Wow - that girl just spent 5$ on a cup of coffee for herself - and now she can't spend another $7 on those who risk their lives for her freedom?"
How do I live with myself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.