Friday, July 11, 2008

Thank you

I am a little hesitant to blog about the following, because it does make me sound really uncool. But, oh well.

I am having some mixed feelings about
I was looking for a book, and I saw a link that said "What Amazon recommends for Lindsey" Curious to see the girl that imagined me to be...I clicked. In all ofmy pride, I kind of thought there would be some cool, hip books for single, fun, 25-year old girls – you know like Bridget Jones’ diary type things – about quirky, cool, career girls. Maybe some trendy books on how to dress or something. Oh no. Here is a sampling's recommended reading list for me.

* Singled out for Him
* The Single Truth
* A collection of Puritan Prayers
* Revelations of a single woman: loving the life I didn't expect

And lastly, a Christian must-read

* I kissed dating goodbye

I think a girl's recommended amazon list says a lot about her. (Kind of like how you can tell a lot about what people are struggling with/struggled with by what verses they have underlined in their Bible....) So, that's why I am concerned that my list makes me look like the single cat lady.

Why can't they recommend cooler books for me like:

* The hot, Godly girls guide to staying relevant
* Fashion and Jesus - two worthy pursuits

Truly, the only other book I have ordered off of amazon was a John Piper book. So, how do the people at amazon know?! Is my mother working for them?

So, my friends - go ahead. Go ahead and check out what amazon recommends for you. It's kind of like googling your own name. It can be enlightening... or it might just confirm to you what you already know.

And – not to stray from my habit of mentioning Becky in every blog (I really don't do this on purpose - but, I like a blog with a picture) – here is a picture of Becky actually reading Revelations of a Single Woman. For us, one joke that never gets old is where we get a book about singleness and strategically place ourselves in the line of godly men (actually - we really just talk about this or do it for posed photo opportunities.). It is soo good for a laugh…although a little shameful/pathetic/embarrassing for a blog perhaps. But, I am pretty the sure the 6 people who read this blog are not surprised by my lameness and will continue to be my friends.


Unknown said...

Allow me to share a few reccomendations that gave to ME!

1. Huevos verdes con jamón - the spanish version of Green Eggs & Ham

2. Goodnight Moon - Again, the Spanish version

3. The Giving Tree - English version

4. The worm book, spanish version

5. Jorge el Curioso (Curious George)

6. Plain English for Cops

7. The New Police Report Manual


Stephanie said...

Oh Linny, I love you. Thank you for brightening up my oh-so-overcast-Phoenix-no-work-to-do day :D

Anonymous said...

I would like to cheer you up with my recommendations from Amazon...

1.From Research to Manuscript: A Guide to Scientific Writing

2.Rand McNally 2008 United States, Canada, Mexico Road Atlas: Vinyl Covered (Rand Mcnally Road Atlas: United States/Canada/Mexico (Vinyl Covered Edition))

3.The Craft of Scientific Writing

4.Washington Information Directory 2007-2008 (Washington Information Directory)

Yes, that is correct... books on scientific writing (just in case I ever change careers) and an atlas (clearly I need an updated atlas) and the directory for Washington from last year (because let's be honest... you never know when you will need a Washington Directory).

Now, I will admit that I have ordered some textbooks for my English classes - but that is by no means all that I have ordered or was it the most recent order. So does that mean that Amazon is telling me that I am not spending enough time on my studies? Notice, that there was NOT one book that would be considered entertainment. (Ok, maybe the atlas for an avid atlas reader... not sure who that would be) The question then becomes, do I acknowledge Amazon's recommendations as truthful and helpful OR do I read them as rude? Hmmmm.